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Chester Counseling Center is a recovery oriented behavioral health and supportive services organization providing a holistic approach to individuals for the purpose of achieving a healthy and productive lifestyle. Mothers in Recovery: Enjoying Life Sober addresses the needs of women in recovery from addiction and mental illness by rebuilding vital social connections with family and community.

$5,000 GAB Grant

Why This Project Matters

Northern, Eastern, Western, and Southern Chester County

Mothers in Recovery: Enjoying Life Sober

Every hour 1 baby is suffering from opiate withdrawal.

-National Institute on Drug Abuse 

Research has demonstrated that in general, women are disproportionately burdened by addiction and mental illness and their associated health risks and conditions such as depression, lack of self-esteem, and chronic neglect of self.  Research has demonstrated that women in addiction and early recovery present unique needs. Healthy connections are crucial for women; their psychological problems can be traced to disconnection or violations within relationships--in families, with personal acquaintances, or in society at large. The Chester Counseling Center provides mothers in treatment for addiction and early recovery multiple opportunities for participating in safe, social settings using a recovery-focused, experiential learning model. Multiple opportunities are given to the women in the intensive outpatient, outpatient and care management programs to participate in group activities centering on special social scenarios such as holidays, family events, and planned family focused outings with children and family members. 

Chester County



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